Маайа: “Толко” Николая Якутского

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«Төлкө» («Судьба»), Н. Золотарев – Николай Якутский

В произведении даётся широкая панорама безотрадной жизни якутского народа до революции, показаны социальные противоречия, порождённые общественными отношениями того времени. В данном эпизоде затрагиваются семейные проблемы – конфликт отца и дочери, социальные противоречия и внутренний конфликт главной героини. Майа – молодая девушка, жена батрака, мать годовалого ребёнка. Семён Иванович Каратаев – отец Майи, глава Средневилюйского улуса, пожилой мужчина. Майа второй раз стоит перед выбором своей судьбы: она может уехать с отцом и возвратиться в свою прежнюю зажиточную жизнь, но без семьи или же сохранить семью и продолжить тяжелую жизнь батрака.

Беспросветная жизнь жителей якутских улусов конца XIX и начала XX веков, постепенное освобождение из от многовекового национального и социального гнета, превращение их в мужественных борцов за новую счастливую жизнь – вот центральные проблемы, затронутые автором в романе «Төлкө».

Фотограф: Мичил Яковлев

Консультант: Ольга Павлова

В ролях: Ирина Михайлова, Дмитрий Татаринов, Надежда Ушницкая, Иван Попов, Эрсан Семенов

Destiny”, N.G. Zolotarev – Nikolay Yakutsky

The work gives a broad panorama of the bleak life of the Yakut people before the revolution, shows the social contradictions generated by social relations of that time. This episode addresses family problems – the conflict of father and daughter, social contradictions and the inner conflict of the main character. Maya is a young girl, the wife of a domestic worker, mother of a year old child. Semen Ivanovich Karataev – Maya’s father, the head of the Sredne-Viluyskiy district, an elderly man. Maya for the second time faces a choice of the destiny: she can leave with her father and return to the former prosperous life, but without a family or to keep the family and continue the hard life of workhand.

The gloomy life of the inhabitants of the Yakut districts in the late XIX and early XX centuries, the gradual liberation from centuries of national and social oppression, their transformation into courageous fighters for a new happy life – these are the central problems raised by the author in his novel “Destiny”.

Photographer: Michil Yakovlev

Consultant: Olga Pavlova

Starring: Irina Mikhailova, Dmitry Tatarinov, Nadezhda Ushnitskaya, Ivan Popov, Ersan Semyonov

Destiny”, N.G. Zolotarev – Nikolay Yakutsky

The work gives a broad panorama of the bleak life of the Yakut people before the revolution, shows the social contradictions generated by social relations of that time. This episode addresses family problems – the conflict of father and daughter, social contradictions and the inner conflict of the main character. Maya is a young girl, the wife of a domestic worker, mother of a year old child. Semen Ivanovich Karataev – Maya’s father, the head of the Sredne-Viluyskiy district, an elderly man. Maya for the second time faces a choice of the destiny: she can leave with her father and return to the former prosperous life, but without a family or to keep the family and continue the hard life of workhand.

The gloomy life of the inhabitants of the Yakut districts in the late XIX and early XX centuries, the gradual liberation from centuries of national and social oppression, their transformation into courageous fighters for a new happy life – these are the central problems raised by the author in his novel “Destiny”.

Photographer: Michil Yakovlev

Consultant: Olga Pavlova

Starring: Irina Mikhailova, Dmitry Tatarinov, Nadezhda Ushnitskaya, Ivan Popov, Ersan Semyonov